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<script>-- HELP DATA: DO NOT MODIFYHelp ,573,78,638,122,454,64,561,146,577,101,,, ¶Click any object to learn what it does. Click this help button again to exit help and resume using the catalog.Next ,573,366,638,410,441,352,561,434,576,392,,, ¶The "Next" button will take you to the description of the product AFTER this one in the list of products you have selected.Back ,573,318,638,362,437,304,561,386,577,344,,, ¶The "Back" button will take you to the description of the product BEFORE this one in the list of products you have selected.Level ,573,270,638,314,469,255,561,338,577,296,,, ¶The "Level" button will take you back up one level to the list of products you have recently selected.Begin ,573,224,638,266,457,208,561,290,577,248,,, ¶The "Begin" button will take you back to the main menu to choose how to search for products.Find ,573,174,638,218,409,160,561,242,577,198,,, ¶The "Find" button takes you to the the Custom Search screen, where you can choose a new list of products based by looking for words in the product information screens.Print ,573,128,638,170,429,112,561,194,577,151,,, ¶The "Print" button will print out all information about this product, and then will ask you for feedback about the design of this electronic catalog.Description,70,398,150,456,65,332,159,388,111,406,,, ¶This button will take you to a card that describes this product.Features,152,398,232,456,136,343,248,389,192,406,,, ¶This button will show you a list of features for this product.Other Stuff ,234,398,314,456,231,361,322,390,275,405,,, ¶Click here to see OTHER STUFF.Screen Shot ,317,398,397,456,283,322,426,388,355,404,,, ¶This button will show you a picture of the screen taken when the product was in use. Screen shots are not available for all products.Booth Location ,408,398,488,456,368,283,527,387,449,407,,, ¶This button will show you a map of the MacWorld exhibit hall, indicating where the product is being demonstrated. Some products may not be shown at any booth. Some products may be shown, but not located in this catalog.More Info ,491,398,571,456,432,323,567,389,529,408,,, ¶This button will show you miscellaneous information about the product, such as: pricing, how to order, technical support.</script>
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<script>on mouseUpglobal SafNav,picset cursor to watchif hilite of bg btn "screenShot?"thenpush cdput short name of this cd into picif hilite of bg btn "screenShot!"thenif there is a stack ":Screen Shots:ScreensStack"thenset lockMessages to trueset lockRecent to trueif hilite of bg btn "Full Shot" then HWelse hide window SafNavvisual iris opengo cd pic of stack ":Screen Shots:ScreensStack" --in a new windowif the result is empty thensend showPLTEexit mouseUpelse answer "Sorry, that screen shot seems to be missing"else answer "Sorry, ScreensStack seems to be missing."elseget ":Screen Shots:" & picif there is a file it thendo "Picture" && quote & it & quote & ",file,rect,false,0"if hilite of bg btn "Full Shot" thenHWset the rect of window pic to "0,0,640,480"else if hilite of bg btn "Center" thenget the rect of window picset loc of window pic to ¬first item of loc of bg btn ID 50 - (third item of it-first item of it) div 2 & "," & ¬second item of loc of bg btn ID 50 - (fourth item of it-second item of it) div 2elseset the loc of window pic to "55,43"end ifhide window SafNavvisual iris openset lockRecent to trueset lockmessages to TRUEgo cd "blank"show window picsend showPLTEend ifend ifend ifend mouseUp</script>